The task is to restore the unity of the Union
2023. 01. 17.
At today’s plenary session of the European Parliament, the Swedish Presidency presented its programme. In his speech, MEP Tamás Deutsch, Head of the Fidesz Delegation in the European Parliament, underlined that the unity of the Union has been shattered in recent years by the mainstream Brussels policy: it stabs Member States in the back, subjects them to witch hunts, and disregards their constitutional sovereignty. “The task is, therefore, to restore the unity of the Union. This requires a change of direction, a change from the misguided Brussels policy to respect for the Treaties and full respect for European diversity”, the MEP stressed.
During the plenary session, Ulf Kristersson, Prime Minister of Sweden, presented the priorities of the Swedish Presidency, underlining their commitment to preserving the unity of the EU. In his speech, MEP Tamás Deutsch said that the unity of the Union had been shattered in recent years by the mainstream Brussels policy. Brexit is the dramatic consequence and undeniable proof of this.
He stressed that “misguided Brussels policy has destroyed the unity of the Union. Brussels’s backstabbing of Member States defending their own and the Union’s external borders against illegal migrants; the ongoing Brussels witch hunt on the rule of law; the frontal Brussels attacks on the traditional European values of family, religion and nation; and Brussels’ ambitions to undermine the national and constitutional sovereignty of Member States have shattered the unity of the Union.”
“The task is, therefore, to restore the unity of the Union. This requires a change of direction, a change from the misguided Brussels policy to respect for the Treaties and full respect for European diversity”, the MEP stressed.