The EP’s decision to suspend patent rights for vaccines does not help in the short run and it is particularly damaging in the long run
2021. 06. 11.
The European Parliament’s plenary (EP) adopted a resolution calling for the suspension of patent rights for vaccines, even though experts say it will not help citizen’s vaccination in the short term. Fidesz MEP Enikő Győri highlighted at the May debate on the subject: “The world does not need fake solutions, but fast and effective help. The aim is to distribute COVID vaccines as widely and as quickly as possible”.
MEP Enikő Győri explained at the May plenary debate: “The goal is to get the vaccines as soon as possible, for as many people as possible, may they live anywhere in the world. However, the suspension of the patent rights will not increase production capacity”. After the vote, she outlined the trade policy steps needed to defeat the coronavirus: “Our main task is to further increase production, spread vaccines more widely and at a much higher speed, and ensure equitable access for low- and middle-income countries. We must make use of the flexibility mechanisms already provided by the WTO TRIPS agreement and encourage voluntary transfers of licenses. In the meantime, we must remain open to discover and discuss any further solutions that might work”.
The Hungarian representative pointed out: “The European left, with the help of the entire Hungarian left, is forgetting that the protection of intellectual property is a key driver of innovation worldwide. Thus, yesterday’s decision will harm European, including Hungarian researchers and developers. It is clear that an indefinite or even temporary TRIPS Agreement waiver would pose a threat to development financing, in particular for researchers, investors and clinical trials”.