Negotiation with Commissioner Hahn on the future of cohesion policy
2012. 10. 23.
On the meetingJáróka welcomed that the Commission had introduced several instruments aiming at the complex development of underdeveloped regions, in line with the requirement for territorial targeting of the European Framework for National Roma Inclusion Strategies. During their discussion the Commissioner and MEP have touched upon two of these instruments in detail, envisaged by the draft general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund for the next Multiannual Financial Framework between 2014 and 2020. On one hand, the Integrated Territorial Investment enables Member States to allocate funding from several priority axes of the Operational Programmes for the purposes of multi-dimensional and cross-sectoral intervention. In this context Járóka urged to consider the maximum extent of place-based approach in order to unlock unused local capabilities and welcomed the proposal to earmark 5% of the ERDF resources of each Member State for integrated urban strategies. With regard to the second important instrument, the Community-led Local Development, Járóka and Hahn agreed that these multi-fund financed strategies with integrated bottom-up approach may play a significant role in the inclusion of marginalized communities, including Roma when properly use and may represent an effective tool for the involvement of the concerned communities themselves.