MEP Hidvéghi: EP actions regarding the coronavirus epidemic are disappointing
2020. 03. 25.
Liberal and left-wing politicians are engaged in attacking and educating Hungary even in this situation, he said.
“I need the last drop of my patience to react in a moderate way to what is happening. It is unbelievable that while we are working with all of our energy to protect our citizens and fight against this epidemic, liberal and left-wing politicians are engaged in attacking and educating Hungary even in this situation. One such politician is Juan Fernando López-Aguilar, the Spanish Socialist president of LIBE,” commented Balázs Hidvéghi on the recent criticism by the Chairman of the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) regarding the Hungarian Coronavirus Bill. The Fidesz MEP also recalled that López-Aguilar was the one who came up with the idea of a migration visa; he submitted the EP report on the issue, so criticism from him is nothing new to the Hungarian government.
“There is a saying that you find out who your real friends are when times are tough. In my opinion, this may be true for institutions, too. The European Parliament’s actions in regard to the coronavirus epidemic have thus far been far below any expectations. Simply disappointing!” he said, adding that “instead of help, we receive only preaching from the European Parliament.” Hidvéghi also drew attention to the fact that this situation would be a historic opportunity for the European Union to show that it is capable of helping and contributing to member states’ actions.
“It is clear that Italy and Spain are in great trouble,” the MEP said, adding that “yet the Italians are helped by Russia and Cuba, a country much poorer than themselves. Brussels should work on this, too.”
Regarding the new bill on the coronavirus he said that “since the epidemic is unpredictable, governments need to think ahead and always be able to make decisions. It is for this reason that most EU countries are making decisions similar to the Hungarian one.”
“Meanwhile, the Hungarian opposition cannot put aside its grievances,” Hidvéghi said, at the same time confirming that the Fidesz-KDNP European Parliament delegation had addressed a letter to EP President David Sassoli asking him to order MEPs to stop attacking Hungary in regard to how it is handling the ongoing health and economic crisis.
“As I said, now everyone must work to protect Europeans,” the MEP concluded, adding that “I can only hope that the Union will eventually rise to the challenge of this current situation and not be immersed in such fierce and unnecessary political battles as manifested by the letter from the LIBE President.”