2024. 03. 25.
The European Parliament today adopted the so-called EU media law. Although the proposed regulation is supposed to protect “media pluralism” and “media independence”, it is in fact a Brussels censorship law that seeks to regulate national media systems on the basis of the opinions of the Soros network organisations, interfering in the competences of the Member States. Commenting on the decision, Fidesz MEP Andrea Bocskor stressed: “The legislation is yet another interference by Brussels in the sovereignty of Member States. The EU regulation is designed to ensure that only the voice of Brussels can be heard in the public sphere of Member States and creates the opportunity for Brussels to suppress national and Christian conservative opinions and values. This is unacceptable. Brussels is building total control over the media, a centralised censorship, in front of our very eyes.”
“The legislation lays down a uniform set of rules that are binding on all Member States, without taking into account the specificities of the media market, and can even impose sanctions to restrict the appearance of certain content in national public media”, the MEP pointed out, adding that this clearly shows the real purpose of the legislation.
“Hungary is committed to freedom of expression and diversity of media content. We Hungarians knew what freedom of the press was in 1848. Therefore, it is clear that this regulation is another tool to weaken and silence the right-wing forces in view of the upcoming EP elections”, MEP Bocskor said.
She also underlined that the legislation adopted today is an insidious extension of the EU’s powers, since the subject of the regulation is not an EU but a Member State competence, according to the EU’s founding treaties, and Brussels has no right to interfere. “We stand up for Hungary’s sovereignty and for freedom of opinion and expression”, the MEP stressed.