We reject the aspirations for a federal European empire!
2023. 02. 14.
MEP László Trócsányi said about the report on the participation of mobile EU citizens in the European Parliament elections that “the proposal raises relevant issues, and it is therefore regrettable that the European Parliament’s position is more ideological, misinterpreting the principle of ever closer unity and seeks to reinforce the concept of a centralised, uniform, federal and imperial Europe, which overshadows national sovereignty, in a report that is not related to the electoral reform proposal”. According to the Fidesz MEP, the report should be more concerned with the real practical problems facing voters.
MEP Ádám Kósa stated that “it is welcome that the proposed amendment to the Directive encourages the use of technologies and formats that help to make elections accessible, such as Braille, easy-to-read information and sign language communication, all of which are also used in Hungary”. MEP Kósa stressed that “we should, however, not open the door to a Trojan horse that would introduce amendments referring to the needs of people with disabilities – physical voting in advance, proxy voting, electronic and online voting – that cannot be justified on the grounds of disability”.
In relation to the report on the participation of mobile EU citizens in local elections, MEP Balázs Hidvéghi stressed that the creation of electoral rules is a national competence, while the European Parliament has been pushing for years for proposals to override national measures in the Member States on electoral law and electoral procedures. He added that the EP’s text fits into this line and is unacceptable because it goes beyond the existing framework, moving in a federal and imperial direction, and conveying the elimination of national ties and the false concept of a single “EU nation”.