We must implement together an effective European Roma strategy
2021. 06. 02.
On Tuesday afternoon, MEP Lívia Járóka, Vice-President of the EP from Fidesz, took part in an online event organized by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) entitled ”The new EU Roma Strategic Framework: Towards equality, inclusion and participation”. In her speech, she emphasized the importance and relevance of Roma emancipation and advocacy. „During the preparatory processes of the national Roma strategies, special attention should be paid to open communication”, emphasized the politician.
To this day, most Roma communities – Europe’s largest minority – do not have the full range of conditions for a safe daily life. However, in 2011 the Járóka Report on the EU Strategy on Roma Inclusion and the objectives of the national Roma strategies launched since then offer significant progress. The proposals made by the Hungarian Presidency and the EP ten years ago have finally been submitted by the European Commission to the Council and adopted under the Portuguese Presidency. “For a long time, we stand for transparency, the active involvement of Roma leaders and the wider implementation of existing and well-proven programs. It seems now that our work can be fruitful”, said the MEP.
She emphasized the importance of targeted indicators, legal instrument on a comprehensive approach to address hate speech, clear and biding targets and timelines on a wide set of priority policy areas. She drew attention to the proper use of fundings from the EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) to tackle discrimination in the areas of housing difficulties, education, health and employment. She highlighted the importance of the active involvement of Roma social actors, the consideration of already established good practices, successful local programs and independent Roma initiatives, as well as the importance of achieving gender equality. MEP Járóka initiated to include Roma integration as an indicator in the social scoreboard of the European Pillar of Social Rights.
She also proposed a European Day for celebration of Roma Cultural Heritage. Furthermore, announced that, with the support and patronage of the EP and the French Presidency, the I. Roma World Forum will take place in the Parliament’s Strasbourg building in the autumn 2021 – fifty years after the first summit of the International Roma Union – where the EP would receive hundreds of Roma leaders. “If the coronavirus pandemic allows us, we will work together in the autumn on a broad and comprehensive conference to create a successful and effective program for the Roma communities in Europe and the world”, concluded MEP Járóka.