We advanced our confidence in the new President of the European Commission but with definite expectations
2019. 07. 17.
Press Release by the Fidesz-KDNP Delegation to the European Parliament
The Hungarian Delegation of the EPP Group advanced its confidence in the new European Commission President but with definite expectations. The Fidesz-KDNP Delegation supported the election of Ursula von der Leyen.
We are confident that the new European Commission led by Ursula von der Leyen will bring more balanced, rational EU leadership and a new era in EU immigration policy. We are going to hold accountable the new President of the European Commission for the will of the Hungarian people. Hungarians have made it clear that they want EU leaders who will stop immigration, respect Central European nations and countries, and not violate national sovereignty.
The new European Commission has a fundamental responsibility to protect Europe from migration, as mass illegal immigration threatens Europe’s security, future and culture. The new Commission should not support and manage migration but put a stop to it. In order to do this, the protection of the EU’s external borders must be organized as soon as possible and Member States should be supported rather than punished in their fight against migration.
We also expect the new President of the European Commission to eliminate the double standards that prevail in the distribution of development and agricultural funds. EU subsidies are not donations, but investments that help achieve fundamental EU goals, such as economic, social and territorial cohesion, to which Central European countries are entitled.