2008. 03. 27.
Mr President!
We European citizens have to stand firm for our common values of human dignity, freedom and human rights.
We, dear friends, we just simply cannot accept that a state kills its own citizens, we cannot tolerate the massive violation of human and minority rights.
The EPP-ED Group demands that the Chinese authorities stop the violence and intimidation of the people of
We consider His Holiness the Dalai Lama as a friend and of unquestionable moral authority and we welcome his responsible attitude to the situation.
I warmly welcome the statement of the President of our Parliament Hans-Gert Pöttering saying that we should use all our means to press the unwilling Chinese authorities to stop violence and respect human and minority rights.
The Olympics are, and should be, the symbol of peace and reconciliation. The Olympics are, and should be, a celebration of human performance and the values that bind humankind together.
How can athletes from around the world come together and compete in joy and harmony, while at the same time the state that is hosting the games is massacring its own citizens?
How can we – freedom-loving people – shake hands with officials who are holding machine guns?
Dear Friends!
This is not the time to call for a boycott, the Olympics is 5 months away! But we should make it crystal clear to the Chinese authorities that they must immediately stop endangering this great world sport with their authoritarian behaviour towards
Stop the massacre!
Stop the violation of civil liberties!
Stop the intimidation of the man of peace, The Dalai Lama!