The Soros network goes on the offensive
2019. 07. 16.
Press Release by the Fidesz-KDNP delegation to the European Parliament
“Independent” NGOs funded by George Soros’s Foundation “called upon” the EPP Group to withdraw the nomination of Fidesz MEP Balázs Hidvéghi for Vice-Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE). Apparently, the pro-migration forces are not afraid to overrule the clearly articulated will of Hungarian voters. At a meeting on Monday evening, the EPP Group decided not to give in to the pressure and as for the not-yet-elected committee vice-chairs, they continue to insist on their original candidates.
In an open letter to the EPP Group, more than 200 European Soros lobby organizations have expressed concern over the nomination of Fidesz MEP Balázs Hidvéghi. They also “called upon” the group to put forward a candidate for the position of LIBE Vice-Chair, who “had an open and transparent dialogue with civil society organizations.” The signatories include the Hungarian Europe Society and the Civil College Foundation, as well as other “independent”, foreign organizations, all supported by George Soros’s foundations.
It is scandalous that the NGOs that signed this letter have ignored the EP’s written and customary rules that have been in place for forty years. By doing so, they violate the very rules of the EP, though they constantly preach about the rule of law in every forum possible.
The EPP Group decided at its meeting on Monday not to give in to pressure. The group will operate in accord with the written and unwritten rules of the EP, and regarding the not-yet-elected committee chairs, they continue to insist on the original EPP Group candidates.
Background: Last week, overwriting the clearly articulated will of the Hungarian people, MEPs of the Democratic Coalition (DK), Momentum and the Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP) attempted unsuccessfully to prevent Fidesz MEPs from filling vice-chair positions earned by the EPP Group in the EP elections. Kinga Gál was elected Vice-Chair of the Subcommittee on Security and Defense (SEDE) and Tamás Deutsch as Vice-Chair of the Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT) in the European Parliament.