
The Hungarian left voted against the overhead reduction in Strasbourg

2023. 09. 15.

The plenary session of the European Parliament (EP) finalized its position on the electricity market design today. Regarding the decision, Fidesz MEP András Gyürk stated: “The failed sanctions policy of the European Commission has caused an unprecedented energy crisis. The Brussels bureaucrats now want to make the people pay the price for this. Today’s decision proves that the Hungarian left would also help them to do that. It has become clear that Hungarians who support the maintenance of the utility cost reduction scheme can only count on the Fidesz-KDNP,” he underlined.

The proposal on the electricity market design is being used by the European Commission and the left-wing majority of the European Parliament to expand their powers and undermine the Hungarian overhead reduction scheme. The bureaucrats in Brussels want to take the right to decide when there is an energy crisis and whether to allow the use of reduced utility prices. This would reduce the rights of member states to protect their citizens from high energy prices.

According to MEP András Gyürk, this is the next chapter in the series of attacks against the Hungarian utility reduction scheme. “It is nonsense that we would be told from Brussels exactly when we can help citizens and businesses. This is an unacceptable proposal, it is a fundamental national interest that it should not be implemented in this form,” he emphasized.

The Hungarian left, on the other hand, took a stand in favor of the proposal. “The left once again sided with the Brussels bureaucrats against the Hungarian people. It has been proven that if it could, it would abolish the overhead reduction scheme. On the other hand, we do not give in to this pressure and will continue to protect Hungarian families from the high energy prices,” added the Fidesz MEP.