The European Parliament has crossed a red line
2021. 07. 07.
The harsh attacks on Hungary for the adoption of the Child Protection Act are beyond imagination. In today’s debate in the European Parliament, left-wing MEPs launched a slew of attacks against Hungary, demanding in a resolution the condemnation of our country in every forum. In the plenary debate, Fidesz MEPs firmly rejected interference in the sovereignty of Member States, as well as the unacceptable tone, which was reminiscent of the colonial arrogance of the past.
The rule of law in Hungary and Poland was on the agenda of the plenary session of the European Parliament on Wednesday morning. One of the main topics of the debate was the Hungarian Child Protection Act, which has been subject to more vicious attacks than ever before from left-wing European politicians.
Fidesz MEP Balázs Hidvéghi stressed in his plenary speech that the Hungarian law ensures the protection of children; that decisions on the upbringing of children remain in the hands of parents and that they cannot be exposed to self-serving sexual propaganda. “Everything else that is said in this context is a lie!” he said.
“In Hungary, everyone lives the way they want to. Organisations representing all kinds of sexual minorities can operate without any restrictions, but they have nothing to do with kindergartens and schools,” MEP Hidvéghi pointed out. The MEP also underlined that we will not accept any interference in matters in which the European Union has no competence.
Fidesz MEP Enikő Győri pointed out that the Left had turned the Parliament into an arbitrary court: “The very title of the debate anticipated the judgment that Hungary had violated EU law. You are the ones violating EU law by threatening a matter of national competence,” she said. “Get used to the fact that Europe is not only yours. We do not want to tell you how to live and how to raise your children. But you cannot tell us how to do it either,” said MEP Enikő Győri.
In reaction to Von der Leyen at the EU summit at the end of June, President of the Fidesz EP delegation MEP Kinga Gál said: “The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child state that parents have the right to provide their children with an education that is in accordance with their convictions and that the best interests of the child are paramount. This is precisely what the Hungarian law is based on.” The MEP also pointed out that Brussels is hypocritical when it comes to the protection of minorities. “Over the past 17 years, I have addressed dozens of questions to the European Commission on the issue of indigenous national minorities. The Commission has repeatedly given meaningless answers, referring to the exclusive competence of Member States. When it comes to sexual minorities, however, it regularly oversteps its bounds. If only it took the same firm stand for the rights of indigenous national minorities! It seems that the Commission puts some minorities before others,” the MEP added.