The European Commission has reaffirmed its support for the rights of Hungarians in Ukraine
2021. 03. 17.
At the end of 2020 Fidesz MEP Andrea Bocskor was added to the so-called “death list” of Ukraine’s extremist Mirotvorec website, following that both Josep Borrell, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Olivér Várhelyi Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement) reacted immediately and assured MEP Bocskor about their support. The senior EU officials now confirmed in a letter as well that the Union is committed to monitoring the respect of human rights, including minority rights, in Ukraine and around the world.
“In January, I thanked High Representative Josep Borrell and Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi in a letter for standing up for me, and once again I drew their attention to the ongoing restrictions of the rights and direct attacks carried out against the Hungarian minority, their representatives and their organizations in Ukraine since 2017.
In their reply, the senior EU officials assured that the promotion and consolidation of human rights in the EU’s external action is an obligation under the Lisbon Treaty. They also stressed that the European Union condemns all violations of human rights, wherever they occur in the world, and calls on all states to respect, protect and fulfil the human rights of persons belonging to minorities, including national, ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, in accordance with applicable international norms and standards. “They have reaffirmed that; the need to ensure respect for the rights already exercised by persons belonging to national minorities, non-discrimination of persons belonging to national minorities and respect for diversity, as enshrined in the UN and the Council of Europe conventions and related protocols”, detailed the content of the letter MEP Bocskor.
MEP Bocskor further emphasized that: “According to the letter, the EU strongly expects from Ukraine, if it seeks closer integration with the European Union, to protect the rights of persons belonging to national minorities and to continue a closer cooperation with Hungary so as to find a mutually acceptable solution, without further delay, based on the shared European values and principles and respect for international obligations and commitments”.
“In the reply letter it is stated that both at the EU-Ukraine Summit and at the Association Council on 11 February, Ukraine committed itself to the protection of human rights, including those affecting national minorities, and to exchanges of any information and measures which may help to allay concerns, including atrocities against members of persons belonging to national minorities and the listing that affects me”, explained MEP Bocskor.
“Both Josep Borrell and Oliver Várhelyi have stated the listing of the Mirotvorec website as being unacceptable, which not only violates people’s right for protection of personal data, but also keeps them in fear. Additionally, they have questioned Ukraine’s responsibility in ensuring respect for human rights. Therefore, they also assured in their letter that they would continue to urge the Ukrainian authorities to ensure the removal of the content from the website. I was pleased to read that both the High Representative and the Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement expressed their intention to further cooperate in the field of minority protection, both with me and with other MEPs fighting for this noble aim, ” stated MEP Andrea Bocskor trustfully.