The battle against poverty is the biggest challenge of the Romanian Presidency
2019. 01. 15.
Press release of MEP Lívia Járóka
MEP Lívia Járóka Vice-President of the European Parliament welcomed the agenda of the Romanian Presidency in her speech at today’s plenary debate. She highlighted that beyond economic differences the access to fundamental rights should be also guaranteed at European level. The EPP Group politician added that the Member States are counting on Romania’s experience regarding social and regional cohesion. „I hope that the dossier of the poverty in Europe will be discussed during the presidency, since there are 120 million European citizens living in poverty who needs to be uplifted”, MEP Járóka concluded in her speech.
In her closing remarks, the Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă reflected to MEP Járóka, adding that Romania has positive results on the field of cohesion and integration and the issues of poverty need to be addressed above on European level.
Background: In the first semester of 2019, Romania takes the role as President of the Council of the European Union, for the first time since its accession in 2007. Romania based its priorities on 4 pillars during the presidency: (1) Europe of Convergence, (2) A safer Europe, (3) Europe, as a stronger global actor, (4) Europe of Common Values. Regarding the first pillar, the plenary debate – among others – focused on strengthening cohesion, fighting regional inequalities, sustainable and equal development and the importance of digitalization and innovation.