2018. 03. 02.
Determined measures are needed to safeguard European honey production, according to EPP Group MEP Norbert Erdős whose Report on the prospects and challenges of European apiculture is voted today in plenary.
“The cornerstone of the Report is to modify the food labelling system in place and determine the country of origin instead of using a useless and fraud-friendly label such as “blend of EU and non-EU honeys”, said Erdös. Honey from outside the EU and falsely labelled as European is responsible for the purchasing prices halving in value from 2014 to 2016.
“Honey adulteration has to be stopped by many actions for example by banning resin filtering techniques in honey production or improving laboratory analysis procedures”, said Erdös.
The Report calls not only for a determined combat against honey adulteration, but asks for a revision of EU support for beekeepers and calls for a clear and science-based approach to manage permits for different chemicals which may affect bees’ health.
“We have to continue our successful common action to protect European beekeepers and bees. Therefore, the EP expects the Commission and the Council to act soon according to its guidelines in the Apiculture Report.”
“We must keep an eye on bees as their role in pollination is indispensable and therefore a huge part of the food industry relies on them”, Erdös concluded.