2023. 12. 21.
The plenary session of the European Parliament has rejected a report that proposed to redesign the tax policy of the Member States along the lines of left-wing ideological madness. Following the vote, Fidesz MEP Enikő Győri said: “Today we have rejected a report, a left-wing wish list, that clearly disregards the competences of Member States. This is further proof that we can put the European Union on the right track via a right-wing coalition.”
MEP Enikő Győri pointed out, that the left-wing parties in the European Parliament have done everything in their power to be able to reshape the tax policies of the Member States according to their own ideological preferences: “The Parliament has not been given a say on such issues. The left is unbothered by this, they are exerting pressure with all means at their disposal. In fact, they have gone as far as wanting to instruct Member States in a tax policy decision, to abolish the utility cost reduction. Thanks to a coalition on the right, we prevented this, which is promising ahead of next year’s European Parliament elections.”
The Hungarian MEP said, “It is clear from the draft report that the left does not like the fact that Member States can decide on their own tax policies. Therefore, they would not only have lectured them on how to design it, but would have entrusted Brussels with the task of analyzing the Member States’ tax systems and evaluating the pieces of tax legistlation that fall within national competences. We are familiar with this harmful mantra. We will do our utmost to prevent what is harmful for Europe.”