Problems need to be handled locally and help needs to be taken where it is needed, instead of importing trouble
2019. 10. 02.
Press Release by MEP György Hölvényi
The European Parliament in Brussels today heard the Finnish Commissioner-designate for International Cooperation and Development, Jutta Urpilainen. At the hearing, Christian Democrat MEP György Hölvényi drew attention to the issue of effective management of migration-related issues. “Problems first and foremost need to be handled locally and help needs to be taken to where it is needed, instead of importing trouble” said the MEP.
“The migration crisis of 2015 showed that the precarious social, economic, and political situation in the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa directly threatens the security of our continent,” said the EPP coordinator of the Committee on Development. Citizens of states with weak governments are losing their right to live in their homeland because of insecurity, which makes effective development policy actions impossible.
The Christian Democrat politician underlined the need for radical change in European development policy: “Instead of forcing people to risk their lives crossing deserts and seas, the right to stay in their homeland needs to be guaranteed. Whoever encourages people to travel thousands of miles in uncertain conditions is guilty of committing mass murder”.
MEP Hölvényi also drew the attention of the Commissioner-designate to the fact that, be it in Africa, Asia, or anywhere else in the world, we can only effectively help those in need by asking local religious and non-governmental organizations what their people need.
With his line of questioning, the Fidesz-KDNP politician highlighted that migration and security will be the most important development policy challenges in the coming years. Commissioner-designate Jutta Urpilainen also acknowledged at her hearing that the root causes of migration must be addressed.