Pro-immigration voices now blackmail with money
2021. 02. 11.
The European Parliament adopted a report on border procedures. According to Fidesz MEP Balázs Hidvéghi, the rights of immigrants abusing EU rules are still more important to left-wing parties than the security of Europeans.
On Tuesday evening the European Parliament’s plenary session adopted a report on the implementation of border procedures. According to MEP Balázs Hidvéghi, the Hungarian position is still clear: only those can enter the territory of the European Union, who are legally entitled to international protection. “In the new EU rules, which are still under negotiations, we want to see a meaningful border procedure applicable to all who wish to enter Europe. We cannot allow human traffickers or other criminals to abuse the goodwill of Europeans by easily circumventing the rules”, said MEP Hidvéghi.
The European Parliament’s left-wing parties have once again lined up to defend the rights of immigrants. In addition to overemphasizing already existing safeguards in the report, they hypocritically keep quiet about the fact that masses of people arrive without papers and refuse to cooperate with the authorities. The report also highlights that various NGOs should be involved in examining the activities of the authorities at the borders. In addition, they have gone so far as to call directly on the European Commission to suspend EU payments in the event of non-compliance with certain obligations.
“We fully agree that asylum procedures at the borders should be conducted in compliance with international law, but at the same time, there is a need to create reasonable rules that can prevent abuses. We cannot risk the security of Europeans in any way. In this respect, however, the left-wing majority in the European Parliament has, in practice, repeatedly held a pro-immigration position”, he added.