Our proposal to establish a Special Committee in the EP on the economic and social consequences of the COVID19 pandemic
2020. 03. 19.
Manfred Weber
Chairman of the EPP Group
Subject: Request for setting up a “Special Committee for reducing the negative economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 crisis”
Honourable Chairman,
The spread of the new coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) will fundamentally change the lives of European citizens, member states and the European Union. However, the magnitude, outcome and consequences of the crisis caused by the epidemic cannot be estimated at this stage.
It is already clear that the restrictions imposed to prevent the spread of the virus will have serious economic and social consequences, which we will have to face in the coming months and years. Every day, we hear worrying news about the deteriorating outlook for the European economy. A severe economic downturn and unemployment across the EU are predicted due to the supply chain disruption in European industry, while travel and movement restrictions are expected to predominantly hit the transport, hospitality, commerce and tourism sectors.
Regarding the current situation, we are proposing that the EPP Group initiates in the European Parliament the establishment of a Special Committee on the economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, under art. 207 RoP.
The idea of setting up a Special Committee would be an important step to encourage a dialogue between governments, industrial representatives, the European Parliament and other European institutions as well as to encourage and create incentives for employment, innovation and long-term investment in the European Single Market.
The role of the COVID-19 Special Committee would serve a similar purpose, albeit in a different context, as the CRIS Committee set up in 2009 (Special Committee on the Financial, Economic and Social Crisis). Its purpose would be to assess the economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 crisis, summarize the lessons learned and future agenda, develop proposals for economic recovery, and prepare legislation at the EU level.
We believe that the EPP, being the largest group in the European Parliament and representing the largest number of heads of government in the Council, and given that the President of the European Commission is herself belongs to the EPP, must initiate and even take the lead in addressing the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.
Members of the Hungarian EPP Delegation are at your disposal for negotiations on the establishment of the Special Committee.
Brussels, 18 March 2020
Your sincerely,
Edina Tóth MEP
Member of ENVI, ITRE and IMCO committees
Tamás Deutsch MEP
Head of the Hungarian EPP Delegation
József Szájer MEP
President of the Hungarian EPP Delegation