Online tools can also help people with autism integrate into their workplace
2021. 06. 11.
The European Parliament’s plenary session held an exchange of views on inclusive employment for people with autism. Fidesz MEP Ádám Kósa, in his written speech to the debate, emphasized: “Infocommunication developments and the sensitization of employees are the key to enabling a person with autism to fit into their workplace.”
MEP Kósa stressed that it can be a challenge for people with autism to keep their jobs. “Autism-specific methods or tools such as online applications, ASD quizzes, videos, situation exercises, drama games, one-on-one discussions can help with this. It is also important that the autistic employee, employer and colleagues receive mentoring support in the initial period,” MEP Kósa emphasized.
The Fidesz MEP cited the Hungarian DATA project as a good example, which provides support to people with autism in everyday life, at home, at school, at work and in the wider social environment through an application. “The app is not a panacea, but it can be a useful tool in overcoming a significant part of everyday obstacles. It can facilitate access to services and help to increase autonomy and independence, as it can also help to interpret a work situation and work as independently as possible, with or without a reduction in personal assistance,” MEP Kósa said.
The application, developed by the involvement of stakeholders, provides help to parents, professionals and helpers. The application offers personalized help to carry out various activities as independently as possible, so that they become understandable, traceable, plannable and, at the same time adapt each situation to the persons involved, parents and professionals.
Background: The number of people with autism is steadily rising worldwide, while the employment of young people with autism who are able to work after having finished public education is low: barely 12-14% internationally.