New chance for a more reasonable European policy
2019. 07. 09.
Press Release by MEP Enikő Győri
As the first Hungarian speaker of the newly elected European Parliament, EPP Group MEP Enikő Győri (Fidesz) called the attention to the takeaways of the last weeks’ summits during the plenary debate on the June European Council meetings.
„Attempts that ignore the will of the people are destined to fail,” Enikő Győri highlighted. The European People’s Party, the party that rose to victory in the EP elections, have to nominate the President of the European Commission. She also pointed out that the balance between European institutions must be kept. “History has already surpassed the Spitzenkandidat system”, she explained.
In her speech MEP Győri stood up for the Visegrád countries. „It does not worth to try and suppress groups of countries by force or apply double standards against them. The Union must not be built against Central Europe and the Visegrád countries”, she pointed out.
„We will soon elect the new leaders of the EU institutions. This presents a chance for a fresh start. We can take a more balanced, more reasonable direction in shaping the future of the continent by setting responsible and accomplishable goals for ourselves. We can work towards a Union where strong Member States work closely with each other and with EU institutions, without expanding beyond the rules laid down in the Treaties, respecting each other’s constitutional identities, preserving the Christian roots of the continent and countering aspirations to change them through immigration” concluded MEP Enikő Győri.