We need dialogue with Poland instead of punishment
2018. 07. 12.
Press release by György Hölvényi
“As a Hungarian MEP, I am delighted that we can discuss our common future with the Polish prime minister today. When talking about Europe’s future, one thing is certain: a strong European Union is impossible without a strong Poland,” György Hölvényi said on the EP plenary’s debate about the future of Europe, attended by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in Strasbourg.
Instead of poor-quality ideological debates and lecturing, we need dialogue with Poland in order to assess the shape of Europe’s future,” emphasized the Fidesz-KDNP MEP. The question, according to Hölvényi, is “whether we are able to come up with a new vision for Europe in the spirit of the founding fathers.”
The EPP politician praised Poland for having a straightforward concept of the future. “Because only those with an idea about nationhood and families can have a clear vision of Europe,” he added.
“The Visegrád countries, Poland being the largest of them, seek solutions to the problems of Europe as a whole. They do this even if in many cases all they get in return is groundless, arrogant lecturing. This is what the Polish Prime Minister’s speech was about. “A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future and accepts you the way you are”, Hölvényi concluded.