We need to combat radicalization more effectively
2018. 07. 16.
“The work of the Radicalization Awareness Network is very useful; however, it is even more important for people to know the root causes of radicalization,” said Lívia Járóka, Vice-President of the European Parliament from Hungary’s Fidesz party during a hearing of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) in which the priorities of the Austrian Presidency were presented.
“Radicalization is rooted in poverty, and today, around 100 million poor people live in Europe, of which 7 million come from minority backgrounds,” said Járóka. “It is important to create jobs providing a decent living wage for people living in poverty. We have three years to draw down EU funds, and we must use them in a targeted way.” It would be very useful to develop a comprehensive anti-poverty strategy under the Austrian Presidency. A large number of second and third generation slum-dwelling immigrants remain dissatisfied in Europe, so there is a greater risk of radicalization among them, and that must be stopped.
“Even though the protection of minorities is a fundamental value in the European Union,” the Vice-President also emphasized, “the rights of Hungarian minorities to use their mother tongue and national symbols are being curtailed in Slovakia and Romania.” In conclusion, Járóka thanked the presidency for condemning the attacks originating in prejudices against the Roma in Ukraine.