We must not allow ‘no-go’ zones in European freight!
2017. 10. 06.
“Safety on the job for truck drivers is declining at such a pace, that a danger premium will soon be required for those drivers who deliver goods to Europe’s major harbors, like Calais, for example. Meanwhile, certain Member States undermine the common market and the free movement of goods and services by introducing protectionist measures to protect their own markets,” said Fidesz MEP Andor Deli in his plenary speech Wednesday evening.
On Wednesday evening, the plenary session of the European Parliament debated the safety of Europe’s roads in Strasbourg. In his remarks Andor Deli, member of the EP’s Transport and Tourism Committee, pointed out that previous measures were unrealistic and did not contribute to the mitigation of the problems cited by those working in the profession.
In July 2015, the EPP politician submitted a written question to the European Commission concerning the state of emergency in the vicinity of the Calais harbor. The Commission’s response highlighted the importance of the EU Action Plan against migrant smuggling (adopted May 27, 2015) in resolving the problem. “Now, two years later we have see that trucks have become the means of terrorist attacks and professional drivers have fallen victim to this on numerous occasions. This proves that the Commission’s plan to manage the migrant crisis – along with other EU initiatives – does not work in practice,” the MEP said.
The topic made it to the agenda – on the initiative of the EPP – because of the increasing crime rate near Calais harbor and other European roads. “Our goal – especially in light of the upcoming Mobility Package – is to unburden truck drivers and equip them with feasible solutions. They will probably appreciate this more than the idea being put forth by the Commission and certain Member States to compel them to stay in some wayside motel instead of their comfortable cabins,” Mr. Deli said in closing.