
Mass migration is a deadly threat to the European people

2023. 10. 26.

“The situation in Europe caused by illegal migration has become unsustainable. The recent Islamist terrorist attacks show that uncontrolled mass migration poses a deadly threat to European people” –  Fidesz MEP Balázs Hidvéghi said at the European Parliament plenary session on Tuesday.

“In recent days, a Muslim terrorist stabbed a French teacher to death in front of his students. Last night in Brussels, another migrant massacred two people with a Kalashnikov. How many more innocent Europeans will have to die before the immigration fanatics in Brussels finally realise that illegal migration is destroying Europe before our eyes?” – asked MEP Balázs Hidvéghi.

The MEP stressed that the two terrorists should never have been allowed to enter Europe in the first place. “In both cases, the authorities were unable to protect their own citizens” – MEP Balázs Hidvéghi pointed out.

According to MEP Balázs Hidvéghi, a radically different European approach is needed. Therefore, the negotiations on the Migration Pact, which contains misguided proposals, must be suspended immediately, and Brussels’ migration policy must be put on a completely new footing. “Europe must say a firm ‘no’ to migration once and for all and must defend European people” – said MEP Hidvéghi.