Latest polls: V4 strongly oppose migrant quotas
2018. 11. 28.
The overwhelming majority of the adult population in the countries of the Visegrád Group knows about V4 regional cooperation and nearly two-thirds agree that their country can more effectively pursue its interests with the help of the V4. Here are the latest findings from the Nézőpont Institute.
Nézőpont Institute’s latest poll was conducted over the telephone using a representative sample of 1,000 adults in each Visegrád country. Generally speaking, respondents expressed an optimistic attitude towards the future (47 percent), refused the idea of leaving the European Union (82 percent) and strongly opposed migrant quotas (77 percent).
According to the study, 86 percent of respondents had knowledge of V4 cooperation prior to the poll, with the highest rate (91 percent) measured in the Czech Republic. When compared to data collected back in 2001 and 2015, the trends show a clear increase in the V4’s popularity among citizens.
When respondents were asked about the importance of the V4 alliance for the future of their country, the regional group scored 7.4 on a scale of 10 with a record-high result of 7.9 among Hungarians. Another sign of citizens’ appreciation of the Visegrád Group is that the proportion of naysayers remained well below three percent in all four countries.
According to 82 percent of those polled, V4 coordination should be deepened in the field of highways and infrastructure development, while 78 percent think scientific research is an area where the V4 could shine. Other sectors where people would like to see more cooperation include tourism, industry and energy policy. On the other hand, only 39 percent of respondents support the synchronization of taxation policies.
The polls show that 47 percent of the pool maintain an optimistic view about the future of their country and only three in every 20 citizens believe that leaving the EU would be a good idea.
On migration and migrant quotas, the study found that 77 percent of the V4’s population reject migrant resettlement mechanisms.