József Szájer to start his sixth consecutive term as Vice-Chair of the EPP Group
2016. 12. 02.
Fidesz MEP József Szájer has been re-elected as Vice-Chairman of the European People’s Party Group in the European Parliament. He is to serve an historic sixth term, making him the longest serving MEP in this position.
The EPP Group held its Presidency election on November 16th in Brussels to select its group leadership until 2019. The center-right EPP Group, the largest group in the European Parliament, again voted its support for Manfred Weber, of the German CSU, as Chairman of the Group and re-elected nearly all of the Vice-Chairmen. Hungarian MEP József Szájer was re-elected as Vice-Chairman for the sixth time.
A legal expert, lawyer and politician, Mr. Szájer has served in a wide variety of roles in his political career. He is a founding member of Hungary’s governing party, Fidesz, and one of the principal architects of Hungary’s Fundamental Law, the first constitution adopted by a democratically elected Hungarian Parliament in 2011.
He has been a representative of Hungary in the European Parliament and a Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group since 2004, when Hungary held its first elections to the European Parliament.
Now, beginning his historical sixth term, Szájer has become the longest serving Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group. He is an active member of the European Parliament’s Committee on Legal Affairs and Committee on International Trade, as Vice-Chair he is responsible for the Group’s legislative work.
The re-election of József Szájer gives important recognition to his work in recent years and marks a success for the Hungarian EPP delegation. The Fidesz MEP is the only representative from the new Member States to have reached such a leadership role for such a long tenure.