2023. 09. 14.
Today, the European Parliament adopted the revision of the Air Quality Directive. Fidesz MEP Edina Tóth emphasized: We all want cleaner air; the difference is only how we would like to fulfil the goals. We do not agree that Brussels disrupts the lives of our citizens with commitments that are completely out of touch with reality. Adherence to the currently defined, irrational target values may lead to restrictions or even a complete ban on using cars in the city centres of major EU cities. We are convinced that instead of prohibition, sustainable solutions will bring us closer to reducing air pollution,” – she added.
According to MEP Edina Tóth, the issue of ensuring urban transport and reducing air pollution is one of the biggest challenges today, for which we must find an effective solution as soon as possible. According to the Fidesz MEP, however, instead of banning cars in big cities, Brussels should focus on developing sustainable transport solutions.
A possible ban on cars would have a drastic effect on the lives of our citizens. Many people would lose their jobs, and those who are not provided with alternative transport options would find it difficult to carry out their daily tasks. “In the case of our country, providing the rightful funding from Brussels would help reduce air pollution the most, because then we would have the opportunity to really focus on the development of sustainable and intelligent transport solutions. It’s time for Brussels to stop exerting political pressure and turn its attention to effective solutions,” – she pointed out.