
“Hungarian Handicraft Masterpiece”

“Hungarian Handicraft Masterpiece”

2025. January 22.


Time: 2025. January 22. |

Tamás Deutsch cordially invites you to the "Hungarian Handicraft Masterpiece" Award winners exhibition from the Southern Hungarian Plain’s most talented craftsmen.

October 5-6. 2010 Danube-market

Opening ceremony: 8pm 5 October 2010

Permanent Representation of Baden-Württemberg to the EU, 60-62 Rue Belliard B-1040 Brussels


Ambrus Sándor                                                             potter  

Chappon Adrienne és Juhász Istvánné                      embroideresses

Debreczeni János                                                         weaver

Kocsor Imréné                                                               basketmaker

Szabóné Tóth Hilda                                                      enamel artist

Szakál László                                                                zithermaker  

Tarjányi József                                                              knifemaker               

During the exhibition we’ll be inviting our guests to sample the flavours of the Southern Hungarian Plains as well as demonstrating some of the craftworking skills of the region.