Huge Hungarian success in the EP: The European Parliament rejected the climate tax proposal
2022. 06. 09.
The European Parliament today voted on the “Fit for 55” climate and energy package. Brussels had proposed to introduce a climate tax by revising the EU emissions trading scheme, which was ultimately rejected by a large majority of the EP. The result of the vote is a major success for Fidesz MEPs, who have consistently fought against a climate tax on citizens and families.
Fidesz MEP Edina Tóth pointed out that “the result of the vote clearly shows that the climate package is bleeding from several wounds and failed to win political and social support. It is unfortunate that another ill-considered and irresponsible climate policy measure from Brussels, which defies common sense, would have imposed the price of greening on citizens and families, which is unacceptable to us.” MEP Tóth recalled that the climate tax Brussels wanted to introduce would jeopardise the utility cost reduction program and would further increase inflation.
We will continue to fight to ensure that this proposal is not adopted. We are committed to the green transition as a common goal, but not at any cost. Our position is clear: the cost of the transition should not be borne by Hungarian and European citizens, but by the big polluters. “We will continue on the path we have started, and we will prevent the EU regulation from imposing a new tax on Hungarian citizens,” MEP Edina Tóth added.