High level of consumer protection is needed in the EU!
2020. 11. 24.
At today’s plenary session of the European Parliament (EP), MEPs had exchange of views on two topics related to consumer protection. In addition to Parliament’s report on the sustainability of the European Union’s (EU) single market, the EU’s New Consumer Agenda was discussed. The reports aim to address the new challenges for consumer rights posed by the coronavirus epidemic, and to place due emphasis on the growing importance of international cooperation and consistent action on consumer rights and the environment due to globalization. Fidesz MEP Edina Tóth welcomed the new proposals. She said that it is timely to modernize EU consumer protection rules to meet current challenges.
In her plenary speech, the EPP politician pointed out that the New Consumer Agenda is trying to seek to answer the important consumer protection issues that arise in today’s Union. However, it should not be overlooked that markets are once again evolving and changing rapidly due to the effects of the coronavirus epidemic. Therefore Edina Tóth believes that consumer protection law needs to be flexible in order to remain relevant and effective in addressing consumer concerns in new areas. “Rules can only be effective if they allow consumers to easily seek redress in the event of an infringement and if they can be enforced by national authorities!” she added.
Regarding the sustainability of the internal market, Edina Tóth emphasized that extending the life of products should contribute to the development of an economic model based on a balance between the needs of consumers and industry and environmental needs. “Rethinking the ways of production, sales and consumption with a view to extending the life of products could provide an opportunity to boost European market activity,” said the MEP.
According to the Fidesz politician, consumers are dissatisfied not only because of the low durability of the goods, but also because these products cannot be repaired. In her view, support for the repair sector could create jobs and significantly reduce waste production and pollution, as well as significantly improve consumers’ purchasing power and bring a commercial advantage to European businesses. “That is why it is important that we act thoughtfully and treat this important issue with due balance, not only along irrational arguments, but also in reality,” the MEP concluded.