2017. 06. 01.
Pressure is growing on the Hungarian government in connection with the migrant quota. The European Parliament adopted a resolution condemning Hungary that was initiated by left-wing parties aiming to impose illegal immigration on Hungary, following the anti-nation state and pro-illegal immigration agenda of George Soros.
The Fidesz-Christian Democrat group rejects this latest political offense against Hungary. In Brussels, our job is to protect the interests of the Hungarian people and the citizens of Europe, and that’s why we continue to oppose illegal immigration.
The outlandish text of the resolution calls upon the LIBE Committee of the EP to prepare a report on Hungary. One hopes that the Committee will tackle the issues armed with facts. If they do, they’ll see the troubling distortions in the resolution. For instance, the resolution condemns the Hungarian government for its NGO law, yet the legislation in question is currently only a draft and has not been accepted by the Hungarian parliament. Secondly, despite what we read in the resolution, there is a vibrant civil society and free press in Hungary. That, after all, is how they are able to make their voices heard among an international audience in Brussels. Moreover, the Hungarian government does not discriminate against any social minorities. On the contrary, the Orbán Government has taken measures to protect their rights and culture.
“[A]rts and scientific research shall be free of constraint and…academic freedom shall be respected,” says the EP resolution. Yet they have no examples – not one – where this freedom is not respected in Hungary. As Minister of State for Education László Palkovics has pointed out, the act amending the National Higher Education Act is not ‘Lex CEU’ as it affects dozens of institutions, and it doesn’t violate any EU or constitutional principles. As with the other assertions in the resolution, this one was clearly political.
Unfortunately, the process set in motion by this resolution will take at least half a year, meaning that the report will arrive shortly before the Hungarian national elections and have influence on Hungary’s domestic campaign. For some of those behind the resolution, that was part of the aim.
We consider it shameful and condemn the fact that Hungary’s left-wing MEPs initiated and voted for this resolution, a move fundamentally harmful to Hungary’s national and European interests. We welcome the fact, however, that in spite of the continuous pressure from pro-immigration George Soros, substantial numbers of MEPs refused to support the slanders of the Left and would accept only a balanced review of the disputed questions.
As in the past, the Hungarian government is open to discussion with the Committee about legislation called into question. As long as our European partners are ready to put political hysteria aside, we are always open to a constructive conversation about how Hungary’s legislation should be amended, if necessary.
However, Hungary will not retreat from its defense of EU law under the Schengen Treaty and will continue to oppose illegal immigration. Afterall, only Hungarians should have the right to decide on the country’s future and with whom they live together on the territory of Hungary.