2023. 10. 26.
On Wednesday, the European Parliament’s Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) held a meeting with national members of parliament on the 2024 European Parliament elections. In the current era of threats, it would be crucial to make the European Union’s actions more effective in dealing with the difficulties caused by war, terrorism and migration. However, the proposals voted yesterday in the European Parliament not only fail to make the European Union stronger, but radically weaken it: they violate the national interests and sovereignty of Member States and are a serious attack on nation-states.
In her speech, MEP Kinga Gál, President of the Fidesz delegation to the European Parliament, pointed out that the European Union’s raison d’être is to find common solutions to our common challenges. Instead, the European Parliament is producing a succession of reports that would steer European integration towards the removal of Member State sovereignty and centralisation. “The EP, as currently drafted, would infringe fundamental national interests, seriously interfering with national competences and sovereignty by proposing the creation of transnational lists, European constituencies and a European electoral authority. They would go so far as to abolish unanimity in the Council. We reject these proposals in the strongest terms!”, stated the MEP.
The proposals, which are seriously damaging to the interests of small and medium-sized Member States and call into question the principle of loyal cooperation, are also included in the European Parliament’s report on the amendment of the Treaties and are, therefore, also unacceptable. “The proposal to amend the Treaties voted in the Committee on Constitutional Affairs envisages a centralised European Empire that would disregard Member States and destroy their sovereignty. Instead of humiliating the Member States and violating the principle of loyal cooperation, Europe should regain its strength.