Climate protection efforts should go hand-in-hand with security of supply and access to affordable energy
2019. 12. 05.
Briefing by MEP Edina Tóth
Kadri Simson, Commissioner for Energy held a discussion with Members of the European Parliament in the EP’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy on the EU’s list of projects of common interest. Fidesz MEP Edina Tóth welcomed that the list contains a high number of renewable electricity projects, as well as natural gas infrastructure projects, which are vital for the Central European region. Natural gas, indeed, plays a crucial role in the decarbonisation of the Central and Eastern European region.
“The projects on the list contribute not only to the protection of climate, but also to the promotion of competitiveness of Member States and security of supply” – emphasized the EPP Group politician.
In her remarks, MEP Edina Tóth stressed that recent decisions of the European Parliament have laid the basis and established the obligation for the European Union to approach the challenge of climate change in a responsible way. Hence, measures to tackle climate change have to be combined with efforts to ensure security of supply and access to affordable energy.