Ukraine Must Fulfill its Obligations Toward National Minorities 2015. 07. 13. During a European Parliament debate on the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), MEP Andrea Bocskor of the EPP Group called attention to the rights of the Transcarpathian Hungarian minority in Ukraine. "The Ukrainian government has international obligations toward the national minorities living in the country,” according to Bocskor, “which must be respected during the ongoing public administration decentralization process. The EU needs to keep a strict eye on the implementation of these reforms."
Respecting Minority Rights – Interest, Not Just Duty of Serbia 2015. 01. 27. In support of Serbia’s EU integration and to promote minority rights, the Fidesz-KDNP delegation to the European Parliament has proposed amendments to the Parliament’s Country Report on Serbia. MEP Andor Deli, who is originally from Vojvodina, Serbia, coordinated the delegation’s proposed amendments.
The Minority Intergroup is Stronger than Ever 2015. 01. 15. The re-established Minority Intergroup held its first working session this year on 15 January, comprising 65 representatives from 21 countries and all parliamentary groups of the European Parliament. “I’m delighted that the intergroup is stronger than ever,” said Kinga Gál, Fidesz MEP and co-chair of the intergroup.
Viviane Reding kettős mércéje: A magyar kisebbségek jogainak védelme érdekében a Bizottság már nem olyan harcias 2013. 04. 16. Gál Kinga fideszes EP-képviselő a hétfő esti strasbourgi plenáris ülésen egyperces felszólalásában saját nyilatkozatát kérte számon Viviane Reding alapjogi biztoson: A semmittevés helyett végre erélyesen lépjen fel a magyar kisebbségeket érintő jogsértések esetében! Gál Kinga szerint kettős mércét alkalmaz a Bizottság, hiszen a valós, magyar kisebbségeket érintő hátrányos intézkedések esetén más tagállamokkal szemben elmulasztja ugyanazt a harciasságot, mint amit Magyarországgal szemben alkalmaz.
Integration of minorities: Lívia Járóka MEP receives Romanian excellence award 2010. 10. 31. Romanian Foreign Minister, Teodor Baconschi, has granted the Ministry's excellence award to Lívia Járóka MEP, acknowledging her activity dedicated to the social integration of minorities. In her acceptance speech, Járóka said that granting the award to her was a message that fostering the social inclusion of the Roma was one of the most staggering strategic challenges and at the same time one of the most promising opportunities for Europe.
The Roma issue should not be abused for political purposes. Lívia Járóka MEP 2010. 09. 07. MEP Lívia Járóka (EPP Group) called for a common European strategy on Roma inclusion and, as the only representative of the Roma community within the EP, denounced the political misuse and misinterpretation of Roma issues.