2024. 02. 14.
“Despite a series of failures, human tragedies, security problems related to illegal migration and the growing threat of terrorism over the past eight years, the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament has decided to implement the Soros Plan. The nine migration laws adopted today open Europe’s doors wide to illegal immigrants and attack Hungary’s well-functioning policy of rejecting illegal migration”, said Fidesz MEP Balázs Hidvéghi.
MEP Balázs Hidvéghi underlined that it is unacceptable that according to Brussels’ proposals, illegal migrants should be distributed among Member States according to quotas and that countries that refuse to accept migrants should pay a financial penalty.
“The new Migration Pact would create migrant ghettos and oblige Hungary to process 28.3 percent of the applications”, the MEP added. The new rules would still not require migrants to wait outside of Europe for their applications to be processed and only people who have the right to do so would be allowed to enter Europe.
MEP Hidvéghi added that the only functioning system in Europe to stop illegal migrants is in Hungary. “For many years, Hungary has successfully prevented illegal migrants from entering its territory through physical and legal border barriers. The Brussels migration laws are an attack on the well-functioning and efficient Hungarian system, which they want to dismantle”, the MEP stressed.
According to MEP Hidvéghi, “the Hungarian people have repeatedly and unequivocally stated that they do not want to live in a country of immigrants. That is why we firmly reject the Migration Pact. We will not allow our country to become a country of immigrants!”