Action may finally follow words on climate protection
2019. 11. 28.
The Fidesz-KDNP Delegation to the European Parliament supported both climate protection resolutions at the European Parliament’s plenary session. Serving the interest of Hungarian citizens – especially that of future generations -, the EP decisions lay the groundwork and create EU commitments for Brussels to finally provide appropriate funding for concrete climate protection measures to Member States seeking to meet the 2050 climate goals.
The Hungarian EPP Group Delegation takes a stance on climate protection, too, that promotes action over words. Climate change is a real phenomena, a real threat. Hence it is unnecessary wordplay to talk about emergency or urgency, action is what really matters. Following words, now it is time for action on climate protection. In accord with Hungary’s national interest, today’s EP decisions lay the groundwork and create EU commitments for Brussels to finally provide appropriate funding for concrete climate protection measures to Member States seeking to meet the climate goals.