2023. 10. 04.
In today’s plenary session of the European Parliament, MEPs voted on the revision of the EU’s seven-year framework budget (MFF). According to the Fidesz delegation to the European Parliament, it must be ensured that EU funds earmarked for Hungary in the legislation cannot be reallocated and spent on other purposes or countries. During the vote, the Momentum and Jobbik MEPs from the “dollar left” side also supported proposals for Hungarian EU funds to be used for other purposes.
In the current economic and geopolitical situation, the revision of the MFF is of great strategic and political importance, and it is no coincidence that the agreement of all Member States is needed to amend the MFF. It is, therefore, essential to access the EU funds that Member States are rightfully entitled to without political blackmail. We MEPs of Fidesz have stressed from the outset that it must be ensured that EU funds earmarked for Hungary cannot be reallocated and spent on other purposes or countries. It is outrageous that Momentum and Jobbik MEPs today supported a parliamentary amendment that would allow the EU cohesion and reconstruction funds that have not yet been paid out to be used for other purposes. This would jeopardise the EU funds that Hungary is rightfully entitled to.
Fidesz MEP Andor Deli said in the debate before the vote that in the context of the revision of the MFF, some EU circles would expect Hungary to voluntarily make new contributions to the common budget, for example, to pay off the rising interest payments for the recovery programmes, while the country has not received a single euro cent from this fund so far.
In the debate, MEP Andor Deli underlined that Hungary is paying €1 billion into the EU budget in 2023, fulfilling its obligations, while the EU owes us €3 billion.