
We will not let the left destroy the farmers!

2023. 11. 27.

The plenary session of the European Parliament voted on the report on the sustainable use of plant protection products, where the interests of European farmers won and the European left suffered a heavy defeat. The result of the vote showed that a right-wing coalition can act strongly and effectively against the ideas of the European left which are far from reality. Fidesz MEP Edina Tóth stood up for the interests of farmers and producers and pointed out: “Farmers are facing great challenges these days, in the age of crises, but today’s proposal from the left would have made their situation even more difficult. Thanks to the unity of the right, common sense won in Strasbourg today. We will continue to act decisively to protect European farmers!”

MEP Edina Tóth underlined that “such and similar proposals of the left would seriously endanger traditional agricultural production. Due to the war and the extreme weather a high degree of uncertainty has already developed in agricultural production and the left-wing proposals are associated with the risk of a food crisis.”

According to the MEP, if crop quantities decrease, European import exposure increases and this results in skyrocketing food prices that European people will no longer be able to afford.

“Common sense won today in Strasbourg! A good decision was made as we stood up for the interests of European people and will continue to do everything to protect the interests of European farmers!” – highlighted MEP Edina Tóth.