2021. 09. 15.
In today’s plenary session of the European Parliament, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen delivered her annual State of the Union speech. In the most important debate of the year in the European Parliament, MEP Tamás Deutsch, Head of the Fidesz delegation to the European Parliament, stressed that it is unacceptable that Brussels wants to settle its disputes with the countries of the Central European region by force. “For us, freedom-loving and patriotic Central Europeans, European cooperation and the unity of the Union are too important to allow them to be systematically destroyed”, he said.
In her annual State of the Union speech at today’s plenary session of the European Parliament, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, outlined the EU’s achievements, challenges and priorities for the near future.
In the plenary debate that followed the speech, MEP Tamás Deutsch, Head of the Fidesz delegation to the European Parliament, said: “It is absolutely unacceptable that Brussels wants to settle its disputes with the countries of the Central European region by force!”
In his speech, the Head of Delegation pointed out that the countries and citizens of Central Europe do not complain even when representatives of the European ideological mainstream look down on them with the superiority of colonialists. Nor when they attack 70 million people in Central Europe on political and legal grounds with various pretexts, which is, in fact, the situation.
The Head of the delegation stressed that “all that is being done is that Brussels’ power is being used and abused to impose its imperialist will on us in an undemocratic and illegal way when it comes to gender and migration, impairing our national and constitutional sovereignty, which undermines and even destroys European cooperation and the unity of the Union.”
“And for us, freedom-loving and patriotic Central Europeans, European cooperation and the unity of the Union are too important to allow them to be systematically destroyed”, MEP Deutsch stressed.