We stand by our Polish friends!
2022. 06. 08.
“We welcome the fact that the European Commission has approved Poland’s recovery plan so that our Polish friends can finally receive the EU funds to which they are entitled. However, we reject the blackmail attempts of the European Parliament’s left-wing and call on them not to destroy European unity with their constant ideological accusations”, Fidesz MEP Balázs Hidvéghi said in Tuesday’s debate in the European Parliament.
According to MEP Hidvéghi, the adoption of the Polish Recovery Plan exactly shows that the previous accusations only served to create political hysteria against the right-wing, Christian democratic Polish government. “It seems, however, that the left-wing majority in the European Parliament seeks to continue the ideological blackmail by even threatening to draw up a motion of no confidence against the Commission”, the MEP explained.
MEP Hidvéghi pointed out that a war is raging in the neighbourhood, millions of refugees are arriving in Europe, and the continent is facing a serious economic and energy crisis. “We should focus on real problems in such a situation, which requires European unity, not ideological battles. We reject the narrow-minded and continuous blackmail against Christian democratic governments and call on our left-wing fellow MEPs to stop this irresponsible behaviour”, he stressed.