We say no to the climate tax of Brussels
2022. 06. 03.
Next week, the European Parliament will decide in a plenary session on the “Fit for 55%” climate and energy package, which aims to reduce EU emissions by 55 percent by 2030. “We are committed to the green transition as a common goal; however, our position is clear: Its cost should not be borne by Hungarian and European citizens but by the big polluters. Brussels’ new, ill-considered and irresponsible climate policy proposals, which contradict common sense, would burden citizens and families with the cost of greening and are therefore unacceptable in their current form”, Fidesz MEP Edina Tóth stressed.
“The climate and energy package on the EP’s agenda proposes, among other things, the introduction of a climate tax and drastic cuts in car production, which is of key importance for Central and Eastern European countries. As a direct consequence, the burden would have to be paid by Hungarian and European families”, Edina Tóth said.
“It is clearly seen that due to the irresponsible energy policy of Brussels, energy prices are already skyrocketing across Europe and inflation is out of control. This would be the case in Hungary too if there were no public utility price cuts. The climate tax proposed by the Commission on the basis of the climate package would jeopardise public utility price cuts and further increase inflation”, the MEP warned.
The fight against climate change and the green transition is crucial for the future of Europe and the world. It is therefore essential that we take responsible and effective decisions. “This proposal goes against common sense and has little environmental benefit, but it will lead to a significant increase in energy prices, imposing a heavy burden on families, and does not take into account the differences between Member States, therefore we cannot support it in its current form”, the Fidesz MEP stated.