We say no to migration and gender ideology in EU cross-border cooperation as well!
2024. 01. 24.
On Tuesday, the European Parliament voted on the report on the current and future challenges of cross-border cooperation with neighbouring countries during its plenary session.
Cross-border cooperation is an important element of the EU’s neighbourhood policy and provides valuable support to regions on both sides of borders.
After the votes, MEP Tamás Deutsch, Head of the Fidesz Delegation to the European Parliament highlighted: due to the importance of the topic, it is particularly outrageous that instead of dealing with real problems, the left-wing majority of the EP filled the proposal with unacceptable ideological statements. „There is no place for more migration and gender ideology in the EU’s regional cooperation! That’s why the representatives of Fidesz and KDNP could not support the report”, underlined the Head of Delegation.
MEP Tamás Deutsch emphasized that the parliamentary proposal contains many forward-looking ideas. It says, for example, that administrative and language barriers and legal uncertainties, which are the main obstacles to the implementation of projects, must be removed as soon as possible. The report also makes a correct statement when it talks about the importance of financial strengthening of programs and the need to reduce bureaucracy. The parliamentary document is extremely diverse: it covers a number of important topics, such as sustainability, research and innovation, sustainable tourism, cultural heritage preservation – MEP Tamás Deutsch mentioned a few issues.
Therefore, the Fidesz MEP considers it all the more worrying that the Parliament once again forced inappropriate ideological questions into the report. The well-known political slogan of managing migration instead of preventing illegal migration thus appears in the document.
„It is quite amazing that a thesis on „gender mainstreaming” is forced into such a policy report. The MEPs of Fidesz and KDNP could not support the report due to the unacceptable ideological statements forced into it by the left-wing majority of the EP.” – added MEP Tamás Deutsch.