We condemn Russian military aggression and we stand by the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine
2022. 03. 02.
The European Parliament held an extraordinary session today on the Russian aggression against Ukraine. In her plenary speech, MEP Kinga Gál, Chair of the Fidesz Group in the European Parliament, stressed that “we fully condemn Russian military aggression and stand by the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine”. She underlined that Hungary is one of the largest providers of humanitarian aid at the EU level, both to refugees from Ukraine and to those trapped in war zones. “We also pay special attention to the security of the Hungarian community in Transcarpathia.” Andrea Bocskor, a Fidesz MEP of Transcarpathian origin, emphasized the need for rapid delivery of humanitarian aid as well as keeping European borders open. She called for an immediate end to the disinformation campaign against Hungary and ethnic Hungarians of Transcarpathia, which threatens the security of the Hungarian minority.
MEP Kinga Gál pointed out that more than 90,000 refugees had arrived in Hungary by yesterday evening. One of the largest humanitarian programmes is underway for refugees arriving in Hungary and in terms of aid provided to Ukraine. We welcome everyone, regardless of where they are fleeing from in Ukraine or what ethnicity they are. The whole country is helping as one.
She stressed that “we fully condemn Russian military aggression and stand by Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. Hungary regards united European action as key. Contrary to all malicious fake news and disinformation in which the Hungarian opposition unacceptably plays its part, the Hungarian government supports all joint sanctions and unified decisions, including the European Peace Facility. We cannot allow ourselves to be dragged into a war in our neighbourhood. People do not want war”.
She warned that in a war situation, national minorities are even more vulnerable and more exposed to fake news and disinformation; we therefore must also pay attention to the security of the Hungarian community in Transcarpathia.
“What we need now is strategic calmness, so that the parties can return from the field of violence and weapons to negotiations and diplomatic solutions. We must work to restore peace both in our neighbourhood and in the region”, the MEP stressed.
Commenting on the debate, MEP Andrea Bocskor said: “The people of Ukraine are living in terrible times; we must help those who remain in the country and those who have been forced to leave their homeland!” She underlined that it is of utmost importance that humanitarian aid reaches Ukraine as quickly as possible. Furthermore, the European Union’s borders must remain open so that people can find shelter and safety.
“The disinformation campaign against Hungary and the Hungarians of Transcarpathia, which threatens the security of the Hungarian minority living in the westernmost region of the country, is a cause of great concern. We must make every effort to stop this so that no one threatens the internal peace of this multi-ethnic region! Just like Hungary, the Hungarians of Transcarpathia support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, advocate peace, and offer a helping hand to refugees arriving in the region, regardless of their nationality”, MEP Andrea Bocskor highlighted.
In response to a question from the press, MEP Kinga Gál said that Fidesz and KDNP MEPs, representing their national interest, voted against those parts of the EP resolution that threaten Hungary’s energy supply security, adding that the country’s utility price reduction is not in danger.