There is no single recipe for gender equality
2021. 01. 23.
The Fidesz-KDNP Delegation to the European Parliament is committed to comprehensive provisions that effectively support the promotion of gender equality across Europe. However, in this fight, it is important to respect the competencies of Member States and rely on existing good practices.
This week, the EP adopted a report by the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) on the gender dimension of the COVID-19 crisis and the post-crisis period. The document highlights the consequences of the crisis for women in Europe, urges that these issues be addressed, and recommends actions to be taken at EU and Member State level. However, our delegation abstained from the final vote because it urges the ratification of the ideologically driven Istanbul Convention. Hungary is committed to the elimination of violence against women and has guaranteed this through a number of its own decisive government actions. However, we are unwilling to support documents that interfere with the competence of Member States.
The EU’s gender equality strategy should seek to cooperate with Member States rather than imposing divisive provisions on them. Member States’ competencies and best practices in the fight to cease violence against women, as well as in social and taxation policy-making, should be respected. For ten years, the Hungarian Government has been tirelessly working to promote gender equality and ensure the well-being of families. The family housing support program (CSOK), car purchase support for large families, home renovation support, and zero personal income tax for mothers with many children all point in this direction. The EP should help bring such similar national initiatives to the EU level instead of trying to pressure Member States on issues that fall within their competence. Our EP delegation therefore did not support the report on the EU Strategy on Gender Equality.
However, we did vote in favour of the report on closing the digital gap, which is in line with our priorities. It is important to overcome educational and professional barriers at an early stage and create equal opportunities for the development of all, thus also ensuring the achievement of gender equality.