The Hungarian Left once more works against Hungarian people in the European Parliament
2021. 03. 11.
The European Parliament discussed questions on the application of the so-called rule of law conditionality as well as the enforcement of the partnership principle in the preparation of national recovery and resilience plans. Despite the different titles, the two debates are essentially the same: the Hungarian Left is making another attempt to take away EU development funds from Hungary. Today, the Hungarian Left has, yet again, worked against the Hungarian people in the European Parliament, with the continued aim of taking away and reducing EU subsidies to Hungary and gaining political advantage to the detriment of the Hungarian people before the Hungarian parliamentary elections in 2022.
In his plenary speech, Fidesz MEP Balázs Hidvéghi said that in December, the Heads of States and Governments of the EU countries reached a historic agreement and clearly stated that Member States cannot be held accountable for ideological reasons by budgetary tools. Development resources are meant to bring EU Member States closer together, not to be used as a tool of extortion in ideological debates. The agreement reached in December sets this out, and it is time for the European Parliament to take note of this as well.
MEP Hidvéghi emphasized that it was unfortunate that the success achieved in December and the strengthening of European unity would be sacrificed by the European Parliament in order to continue its well-known ideological campaign against right-wing governments. The ideological violence by the European Parliament’s left-wing is not doing any good; it undermines the unity of the Union and creates fragmentation between Member States.
MEP Tamás Deutsch underlined: The Hungarian Left is mobilizing all of its energies to work on how it can harm Hungary. It is trying hard to take away and reduce subsidies in order to gain political advantage at the expense of Hungary before the parliamentary elections in 2022.
MEP Deutsch, head of the Fidesz parliamentary group in the European Parliament, highlighted that the Hungarian Left wanted to continuously harm the Hungarian people in order to reach their own power goals. Regarding the fact that national authorities must involve regional and local bodies in the planning and implementation of development projects based on the partnership principle, MEP Deutsch said: “In connection with the use of the recovery fund — in line with national rules – local governments must be consulted in the same way as it has been done in the case of implementing EU budget resources. The Hungarian government has fulfilled this obligation to the maximum since 2010, however under left-wing governments, for instance, during Klára Dobrev’s vice-presidency of the National Development Agency, there was no consultation with local governments on the preparation of the so-called national development plan”.
In her written comment, MEP Enikő Győri pointed out that it is unfortunate that on the 6 trillion HUF, Hungary’s share of the recovery fund, the Hungarian Left can only repeatedly comment that there is no social dialogue. Apparently, they do not want to be disturbed by the facts. The government has, in fact, sought the views of some five hundred partners, and since last December, the first version of the National Recovery Plan has been made available online for comments. The Budapest Public Development Council, which is the highest-level consultation forum between the current government and Budapest city administration, is constantly negotiating on the development funds worth thousands of billions of forints, Budapest and its agglomeration’s share. The government is firmly committed to the fact that without the consent of the Capital, there will be no development projects implemented in Budapest.
MEP Győri concluded: “It is quite clear that the Left only wants to impose harm. And this time, they do not only target Hungary’s reputation but would even deprive small and medium-sized enterprises affected by the crisis as well as citizens living in the capital or the countryside of development funds”.