2021. 06. 25.
The European Parliament voted on a report on the situation of sexual and reproductive health and rights in the EU, in the frame of women’s health (Matić report). The Fidesz delegation in the European Parliament rejects any attempt, when the European Parliament wants to go beyond its powers under the Treaties. The Matić report also falls into this category.
“What happened now was to be expected. The left-wing majority in the European Parliament has again ignored the requests and comments of many Member States and countless NGOs. The left has once again forced an ideology-driven document, disregarding the EU Treaties.” We cannot give in to politically motivated blackmail, the power of the Member States must be fully respected!
The Fidesz delegation strongly rejects any political attempt to go beyond the powers of the European Parliament guaranteed by the Treaties. The Matić report also falls into this category. Under the EU Treaties, the EU has no power to shape policy issues on sexual health and sex education, reproduction and abortion. This is fully a legislative competence of the Member States. The Fidesz delegation in the European Parliament respects the sovereign legislative powers of the Member States in relation to school sex education, sexual health, reproduction and abortion.