The EU enlargement is in Hungary’s best interest
2020. 01. 14.
Briefing by MEP Andor Deli
The Croatian Presidency of the Council presented its program in the European Parliament’s plenary session today. Fidesz MEP Andor Deli welcomed the topic of EU enlargement as one of the key priorities of the Croatian Presidency’s agenda.
“It is an enormous and complex task for the Croatian Presidency. On one hand, the Croatian Presidency has to convince the opposing Member States on the importance of the enlargement. On the other hand, the EU needs to rebuild the trust in the Western Balkan’s candidate countries that joining the EU is not just a distant carrot on a very long stick” – highlighted the Vojvodina-born MEP.
“In all of these candidate countries, the public polls show that huge majority of the people are staunch supporters of EU integration. People love and support the European idea in spite of the fact that recently the EU behaved like a mean stepmother. Hopefully, with the new Commission and with you in the Council this will change” – said Deli.
“The Hungarian EPP delegation is ready to help you as much as possible in taking forward the enlargement. It is in the best interest of Hungary and the Hungarian people that the countries of this region are becoming fully-fledged members of the EU. Without these countries Europe cannot become strong enough to bear the pressure of global politics” – finished his speech Andor Deli.