Porajmos: the fire that burned us – Commemoration of the Roma and Sinti victims of the Holocaust
2020. 01. 28.
Press Release by MEP Lívia Járóka
On the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, a commemoration was held in the European Parliament to pay tribute to its Roma and Sinti victims. MEP Lívia Járóka, EP Vice-President from Fidesz recalled the events of August 1944, when the “Gypsy family camp” attached to the Birkenau camp was brutally abolished.
“Porajmos, as we, Roma people call it. The Devouring. A year cannot pass without commemorating our tragedy. Many of the fears are still around in our daily lives and in the eyes of our children. So we must act in order not to dominate our lives by fear!”, recalled MEP Lívia Járóka at the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Holocaust.
EPP Group MEP Járóka pointed out that over the last twenty years, in many Member States unemployment, hunger and anger were only discussed but very few acted against it. She added that there are very few governments that see the benefits of integrating the poorest. “I think we all should wake up every day with thinking that we cannot remain silent. We cannot remain silent until the situation changes”, stressed the MEP.
MEP Járóka emphasized that as a mother herself, it is cruical for her to know that her children are safe. Security is based on tolerance and love, which cannot work without proper communication. We have to know each other’s story, because that is the only way we can improve our relationship with each other. “We can only embrace the other if we go close enough!”, said the politician.
MEP Járóka expressed her hope that the Parliament will continue to do its utmost to help the Commission and governments implementing the changes. “The EP has always been a partner in the field of integration and has also made a major contribution to the success of the Roma Strategy launched by the Hungarian EU Presidency in 2011”, added the Vice-President of EP.