
Poland and Hungary are not treated as equals in Europe 33 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall

2022. 11. 09.

The conclusions of the European Council of 20-21 October were debated today in the plenary session of the European Parliament in Brussels. During the debate, Fidesz MEP Kinga Gál stressed that Europe is in a serious economic situation with rising inflation rates across Europe due to the skyrocketing energy prices. According to the president of the Fidesz delegation in the European Parliament, the rise in prices is caused by energy shortages, which have been brought about by energy sanctions. The current and new energy sanctions are not ending the war, but destroying Europe’s economy instead.

“We have been promised by Brussels that the sanctions will bring an end to the war and will not affect energy resources but will punish the intended target, Russia more. The reality is that the sanctions are destroying the European economy, the bloody war in Ukraine is still raging, and Russia has only gotten richer”, said MEP Kinga Gál.

According to the Fidesz MEP, any further EU measures or sanctions that worsen the situation and threaten to make fewer energy sources available are unacceptable. “We must finally take into account that the exposure and possibilities of each Member State are different. The agreement reached at the EU summit was also acceptable because the possible introduction of a gas cap cannot affect long-term contracts for gas supplies to Member States and does not make joint procurement binding”, added Kinga Gál.

“Today, 33 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Europe is not united, and Member States, including Poland and Hungary, are discriminated against for ideological reasons in terms of access to financial funds”, said MEP Kinga Gál. She stressed that Hungary is fully meeting the commitments it has constructively undertaken. “So, we hope that now the Commission will deliver”, stated the MEP.